With the occasion of our UNGA project at NeueHouse in NYC and in anticipation of International Safe Abortion Day (Sept. 28th), the powerful message ABORTION IS FREEDOM lit up the night sky near the UN building in NYC.
The freedom to own and control your body is one of the most fundamental rights there is. We are proud to stand in solidarity with people across the globe fighting for the freedom of safe, accessible abortion. Though the far-right continues to rise, we are already stronger, smarter, and greater in numbers. We will always have abortions, and we will always help one another access the care we need—no matter where we are. We will never stop fighting for our rights.
This impactful collaboration came to life thanks to an amazing team! Special thanks to The Illuminator, Repro Uncensored, Plan C, Women on Web, Feminist, and especially to Synclaire Warren, Ash in West Virginia, and Gemma Talks, who shared their personal abortion stories with the world. We appreciate your courage and can't wait to project even more stories, languages, and messages of empowerment together.

Abortion is Freedom
L’Avortement est Liberté
Aborto es Libertad
O Aborto é Liberdade
Abtreibung ist Freiheit
Άμβλωση είναι Ελευθερία
L’Aborto è Libertà
الإجهاض هو حرية
Aборт это Cвобода
낙태는 자유다
aborsi adalah kebebasan
pengguguran adalah kebebasan
Kürtaj özgürlüktür
Abortus is Vrijheid
#AbortionIsFreedom 💚