Repro Uncensored is a global coalition of reproductive health organizations, internet freedom advocates, and creatives, dedicated to ensuring universal access to accurate information.

We are committed to ensuring the free flow of reproductive health and abortion information in digital spaces and on the ground. Central to this mission is our work to fight digital censorship.

Our 3 Pillars

We work to co-create global advocacy campaigns focused on ending the digital suppression of abortion information. We address Big Tech and government policies that limit access to this essential reproductive health information.


Raising awareness of digital suppression is the first step in building power to combat it. Members organize educational workshops, panel events, and foster partnerships with global organizations to expand outreach and information sharing. 


We gather and analyze instances of digital censorship to document patterns of suppression. Our website is a comprehensive hub, showcasing research conducted by our member organizations while serving as a resource for academics and researchers seeking our expertise.


We collaborate with creatives, advocacy organizations, researchers, influencers, reproductive healthcare providers, and digital rights advocates to ensure that medically accurate information about abortion can be shared without restrictions, without fear of being
stifled by Big Tech platforms, and with the support of a global community committed to protecting reproductive rights.

By working together, we aim to amplify diverse voices and support access to vital information, ensuring individuals have the resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and futures.

Tani Ikeda's mural for Miami Basel with Survivor Love Letter x Southern Birth Justice Network. Learn more about our project here.

Report an Incident

Repro Uncensored is joining forces with the Electronic Frontier Foundation to collect examples of digital suppression of information.

If you or your organization have experienced suppression of reproductive health and rights and abortion access, please take the time to share more details.

Download our new Digital Safety Toolkit

Our new Digital Safety Toolkit is here! Developed in collaboration with Repro Uncensored, Tor Project, Digital Defense Fund, Plan C Pills, and Accountable Tech, and brought to life by artist Louisa Cannell, this toolkit offers up-to-date resources to help you search for reproductive health and abortion information online while safeguarding your privacy.

Learn more and share these resources with friends and your community to keep each other safe!